Jackfruit is most loved vegetable for many, it is made in different ways. Here I am making it in rasedar style and it is not less than restaurant food, easy to make and very tasty, so try it and enjoy. This recipe is available in Hindi and English both.
Ingredients for Rasedar Kathal:-
- Jackfruit – 500 gm
- Potato – 5 pieces, horizontzlly cut it in two pieces.
- Onion – 1 finely chopped
- Onion- 4 grinded
- Tomato – 6 grinded
- Small Cardamom – 2
- Cloves – 2
- Red Chilli Powder – 2 teaspoon
- Turmeric Powder – 2 teaspoon
- Coriander Powder – 2 teaspoon
- Salt – 1 teaspoon
- Garam masala – half teaspoon
- Cumin seeds – 1 teaspoon
- Oil – 2 table spoon
- Oil – Half wok to fry
- Water – 500 ml
How to prepare Rasedar Kathal:-
Method to fry Potato and Jackfruit:-
- First peel jackfruit and cut into small pieces.
- Take potato, peel and cut into 2 pieces.
- Take a wok, half fill with oil and put on high flame to heat.
- When oil is heated, put jackfruit pieces in it and fry it, when reddish in color take it out and put aside.

तला हुआ कटहल fried jackfruit/ kathal
- Same do with potatoes and after frying keep aside.

तला हुआ आलू fried aloo
Method to make masala:-
- Put wok on high flame, add 2 table spoon oil to it and let it heat.
- When heated put Cardamom and clove in it, this will make the aroma of your veg.
- Now simmer gas and put cumin seeds and garam masala to it and then add chopped onion.
- Stir it in small intervals.
- When onion is reddish, add grinded onion to it and let it fry.

भुनी कटी प्याज fried chopped onion

पिसी प्याज मिलाये mix grind onion
- Stir it in small intervals.
- Note:- This method is also called Do pyaza method and it increases the taste.
- Take a small bowl, put red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and garam masala and little water and mix it well, keep it aside. This method increases the aroma of spices.

भीगा हुआ मसाला mix masala in a bowl
- When onion is reddish, add this masala to it and mix it for 2 minutes.

भुनी प्याज fried onion

भीगा मसाला भुनी हुई प्याज में डाले add masala to roasted onion
- Now put grinded tomato to it and add salt to it, mix it well and cover it with a lid.

पिसा टमाटर डालें add grind tomato

ढक्कन से ढके cover lid
- Stir it in small intervals.
- When Tomato is fried well, add fried potato and jackfruit to it and mix it well, cook for 2 minutes.

तला हुआ कटहल और आलू मिलाएं mix fried kathal and potato
- Now take a cooker on high flame, put all veg in it and add 500 ml water to it, stir well and put the lid and wait for 2 whistles.

कुकर में in cooker
- Close gas, keep it aside till steam is there.
- Open the lid, your tasty rasedar kathal veg is ready to serve.
- Serve it hot.

रसेदार कटहल Rasedar Kathal (Jackfruit)
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