Potato Aloo Finger Chips Recipe Vidhi in English

We love Potato/ Aloo Finger Chips (French Fries) and usually have them in restaurants. Potato Finger Chips are very easy to prepare at home. You will find Aloo Finger Chips cooked at home very tasty and yummy. So try it, Aloo Finger Chips can be made very quickly. Potato Finger Chips Recipe is available in Hindi (हिंदी) and English both.

Serves 4 persons

Ingredients of Finger Chips:-

  • Potato – 4
  • Black Pepper – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Oil Refined – half of the Wok for deep fry

How to prepare Finger Chips:-

  •  Take 4 medium Potatoes, and finely cut them in  longitudinal shape.
  • Put them in Water so that they remain white.
आलू काटें raw potato cut

आलू काटें raw potato cut

  • While you are cutting Potato,  simultaneously keep Oil in Kadahi (Wok) and put on high flame to get heated.
  • When heated, put Potato pieces in the Oil for deep fry.
आलू कड़ाही में potato in kadahi

आलू कड़ाही में potato in kadahi

  • Keep on doing them upside down in small intervals so that they get fried from both sides.

step 2

बन गए finger chips made

बन गए finger chips made

  • After they become reddish in color take them out in a plate.
बाहर निकाले take out

बाहर निकाले take out

  • Take a plate and cover it with tissue paper so that tissue paper can absorb extra oil.
नैपकिन पर रखें collect on napkin

नैपकिन पर रखें collect on napkin

  • Now sprinkle salt and pepper on Finger Chips (French Fries).
  • Your yummy Finger Chips are ready to eat.
  • Same procedure will be followed by remaining Potato pieces.
  • Serve them with Hari Dhaniya Chutney and sauce.
आलू फिंगर चिप्स Aloo Finger Chips

आलू फिंगर चिप्स Aloo Finger Chips

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आलू फिंगर चिप्स बनाने की विधि Potato Aloo Finger Chips Recipe
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पारूल मित्तल (Parul Mittal)

About पारूल मित्तल (Parul Mittal)

पारूल मित्तल एक अत्यंत उत्तम शेफ (कुक) हैं एवं उन्हें विभिन प्रकार के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाना बहुत पसंद है। वह उत्तर एवं दक्षिण भारतीय शाकाहारी व्यंजनो की विशेषज्ञा हैं। पारूल नियमित रूप से आपके लिए विभिन्न स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाने की विधि पोस्ट करती हैं और इस बात का ख़ास ध्यान रखती हैं की विधि अत्यंत स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ साथ बनाने में अत्यंत सरल व जल्दी तैयार हो। पारूल हिन्दी एवं अँग्रेज़ी दोनो भाषाओं में लिखने की रूचि रखती हैं। Parul Mittal is an expert chef (cook) and is very passionate about cooking. She cooks both North and South Indian vegetarian dishes. Parul regularly posts various mouth-watering dishes for you and makes sure that the recipes are super yummy, yet easy and quick to cook. Parul loves to write in Hindi and English, both.


  1. i want this receipe at my place ,……………….!!

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