Homemade Paneer Recipe/ Vidhi in English

Paneer/ Cottage Cheese is so tempting and favourite for every body. Paneer is liked by children also, with taste it gives health also. Whenever we think of Paneer, we have to buy it from market, but Homemade Paneer can be prepared some simple steps. So try it. Homemade Paneer Recipe is available in both Hindi (हिन्दी) and English.

Ingredients of Homemade Paneer:-

  • Milk – 1 litre
  • Curd  – 150 gm OR Lemon – 1 piece

Important: I have given curd and lemon both option, if curd is not available go for lemon, use one thing.

How to prepare Homemade Paneer:-

  • Take milk in Bhagona and keep it on medium gas.
Milk दूध

Milk दूध

  • When it boils, mix all curd or lemon in it.
Milk with Curd दूध में दही

Milk with Curd दूध में दही

  • Wait for sometime.
  • You will see solid Paneer and water.
पनीर Paneer

पनीर Paneer

  • Close gas and take a strainer.
  • Now put all paneer and water in it.
छन्नी से छाने paneer in strainer

छन्नी से छाने paneer in strainer

  • Water will separate and Paneer is on strainer.
  • Wait for 10 minutes and let all water out.
  • Now take a napkin and put paneer on it.
रुमाल पर रखें keep it in napkin

रुमाल पर रखें keep it in napkin

  • Squeeze it so that left water will strain.
निचोड़े squeeze it

निचोड़े squeeze it

  • Now fold it and keep it on hard surface and put weight on it so that left water will squeeze. You will get paneer as you get from the market.
भारी वास्तु से दबाकर under heavy thing

भारी वास्तु से दबाकर under heavy thing

  • Now take a bowl and put Paneer in it.
पनीर paneer

पनीर paneer

  • Fill it with water.
paneer in water

paneer in water

  • Keep it in fridge to cool.
  • Your yummy Paneer also called cottage cheese is ready to use.
  • It is ready, you can prepare different dishes from it or eat it raw.
घर का बना पनीर homemade paneer

घर का बना पनीर homemade paneer

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घर पर पनीर बनाने की विधि Homemade Paneer Recipe
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पारूल मित्तल (Parul Mittal)

About पारूल मित्तल (Parul Mittal)

पारूल मित्तल एक अत्यंत उत्तम शेफ (कुक) हैं एवं उन्हें विभिन प्रकार के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाना बहुत पसंद है। वह उत्तर एवं दक्षिण भारतीय शाकाहारी व्यंजनो की विशेषज्ञा हैं। पारूल नियमित रूप से आपके लिए विभिन्न स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाने की विधि पोस्ट करती हैं और इस बात का ख़ास ध्यान रखती हैं की विधि अत्यंत स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ साथ बनाने में अत्यंत सरल व जल्दी तैयार हो। पारूल हिन्दी एवं अँग्रेज़ी दोनो भाषाओं में लिखने की रूचि रखती हैं। Parul Mittal is an expert chef (cook) and is very passionate about cooking. She cooks both North and South Indian vegetarian dishes. Parul regularly posts various mouth-watering dishes for you and makes sure that the recipes are super yummy, yet easy and quick to cook. Parul loves to write in Hindi and English, both.


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