Matar Pulao is a simple and delicious dish made of rice. Matar Pulao is full food and simple to make. It can be made by fresh Peas as well as Frozen Peas. You can eat it with Curd, Hari Dhaniya Chutney, salad and Meethi Saunth Chutney. To enhance more taste you can serve with Aloo Tamatar Sabzi. It takes less time to prepare and is very delicious. Matar Pulao recipe is available in Hindi (हिंदी) and English both.
Ingredients of Matar Pulao:-
- Rice – 250g
- Green Peas – 200g
- Onion – 1
- Bay leaf – 2
- Green Cardamom – 4
- Cloves – 4
- Asafetida – ¼ teaspoon
- Garam Masala – 2 teaspoon
- Cumin Seeds – 1 teaspoon
- Salt – 2 teaspoon
- Oil – 2 table spoon
- Pure Ghee – 140g teaspoon
- Red Chili Powder – 1 teaspoon
- Coriander powder – 2 teaspoon
- Water – 500ml
How to prepare Matar Pulao:-
- Soak Rice for half an hour.
- Meanwhile you cut Onion in longitudinal thin slices, and peel Peas.

लम्बाई में कटा हुआ प्याज longitudinal sliced onion
- When it is soaked, take a cooker, put it on high gas.
- Put Oil in it, when Oil is heated, then just follow the steps for good aroma.
- First put Green Cardamoms, Cloves, Bay Leaf wait for 30 seconds and then put Asafetida, Cumin Seeds, Garam Masala and Onion in it.

लॉन्ग, इलाइची, तेजपत्ता long, ilaichi, tezpatta

जीरा व् गरम मसाला cumin seeds, garam masala

प्याज डालें add onion
- simmer gas.
- Stir it in intervals.
- Now wait till Onions are pinkish.

भुनी हुई प्याज roasted onion
- Put Coriander Powder , Red Chili Powder and Peas in it with Salt, cover with lid to make Peas soft.

मटर मिलाएं add peas
- When Peas are ready, put all Rice and water in it, stir well and wait for the boil.

चावल और पानी मिलाएं add rice and water
- As soon one boil comes, simmer gas and cover with lid.

उबलता हुआ boiling
- Note:-Do not fix the lid, as you don’t need to steam it, just cover it.
- Wait for 15 min.

ढक दें cover lid
- Open the lid and check the Rice with your finger, if cooked and no Water is left, then close gas put Desi Ghee in it, now fix the lid, wait till steam is there, then open.

कुकर में in cooker
- Your Matar Pulao is ready to serve.
- You can enhance its taste by serving with Aloo Tamatar Sabzi.

Matar Pulao मटर पुलाव
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Recipe Name
मटर पुलाव बनाने की विधि Matar Pulao Recipe
Author name
पारूल मित्तल Parul Mittal
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