Heeng or Asafetida is a necessary spice of Indian kitchen, without which no food is made. It has coumarins element which helps in blood flow. It controls blood colesterol level and also prevents from hipertension. This is also available in Hindi (हिन्दी).
Benefits of Heeng-
- If your teeth is paining or insect in teeth take Asafetida and put in between the infected teeth when going to bed, you will get relief from pain and insect both.
- Asafetida is good for stomach related problems-
- If there is stomach ache take a little quantity of Asafetida in a ball scoop and take little water in it, put it on gas to heat, when heeng is boiled close gas and try to touch it with your hand, if it is ok then put it around your navel, after some time you will get relief from pain. This can be used in loose motion and constipation both. This is very effective in children.
- If you are getting cramps in stomach take Ajwain, salt and heeng it will give relief.
- If your diet is deteriorating, take Heeng roasted in pure ghee with ginger and mix little butter to it, take it before meals you will feel hungry.
- To get relief in constipation mix asafetida in soda and take it before going to bed, it will give the result in morning and you will get relief from constipation.
- If your ears are paining then cook asafetida in sesame oil and cool it, put it in ears, you will get relief from pain.
- In headache, heat asafetida and put its paste on your head it gives relief.
- In knee pain, heat asafetida in water and put it on that place it will give relief.
- If you have Hoarseness, then mix asafetida in boiled water and do gargles 2-3 times a day, hoarseness will go.
- For hickups take old gur and mix asafetida, it will give instant relief.

Heeng- Asafetida हींग
Disclaimer: The parulkirecipes.com does not guarantee any specific results, as result of the nuskhe mentioned here may vary from person to person. Here are given age old Dadi maa ke desi gharelu nuskhe, not to be substituted for professional medical advice.
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हींग के फायदे Heeng ke fayde Benefits of Asafetida
हींग हमारे खाने का अभिन्न अंग है जिसके बगैर न तो स्वाद है न सेहत। आइये हम आपको बताते है की हींग का सेवन रोज करने से आप किन किन रोगों से बचे रहते है और आपकी सेहत के लिए हींग क्यों जरूरी है। Heeng or Asafetida is a necessary spice of Indian kitchen, without which no food is made.
पारुल मित्तल Parul Mittal
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