Benefits of Honey

Honey, its Liquid Gold, a God gift to man. Honey is rich in vitamin A,B,C and is full of Iron, Calcium, Iodine, Phosphorous and Sodium. Intake of Honey regularly is very good for health and prevents from many diseases. So take it everyday. Benefits of Honey is available in Hindi also.

Benefits of Honey for Beauty-

  1.  Mix two drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon honey and apply on face, your face will glow.

  2.  Mix one onion juice with 1 teaspoon of honey and apply on hair, it prevents hair fall.

  3.  Make ubtan of Fresh Cream, honey and gram flour and apply on face, it prevents dryness and gives glow.
  4. Everyday drink honey in cold water  to make your face glow and it helps to make skin fair.
  5. Take honey everyday, it improves your eyesight and make them sparkling white.

Benefits of Honey for Health-

  1.  Consume honey everyday as it is natural blood purifier.
  2. Regular intake of honey gives strong memory.
  3. If your child is weak, take a teaspoon full honey and mix it with one almond paste and give your child a pinch of it everyday. He will become healthy.
  4.  If you are burn or have a cut, put honey it will help.
  5.  Muscles get strong by taking Honey everyday.
  6. If anybody has lost interest in food, take a spoonful of honey mix it with Pomegrenate juice and sendha namak and eat it. You will see the difference.
  7.  In cough take a spoonful of honey and mix a pinch of turmeric powder in it, and have it when going to sleep and in the morning empty stomach. Cough will be cured in 2-3 days.
  8.  In summers drink honey in cold water, your stomach will be light.
  9.  To cure constipation take a tomato or orange juice, mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it. It has magical effect.
  10.  It makes your digestive system strong.
Honey with Garlic pieces शहद में लहसुन कटा हुआ

Honey with Garlic pieces शहद में लहसुन कटा हुआ

  1. Taking garlic mixed with honey is also very healthy. take a clove and cut into small pieces, mix it with honey and take it with water empty stomach in morning, it helps in slimming and gives glow on face as it is antioxidant.
Honey शहद

Honey शहद

Disclaimer: The does not guarantee any specific results, as result of the nuskhe mentioned here may vary  from person to person. Here are given age old Dadi maa ke desi gharelu nuskhe, not to be substituted for professional medical advice.

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शहद के फायदे Shahad ke faide Benefits of Honey
Article Name
शहद के फायदे Shahad ke faide Benefits of Honey
शहद वो मीठी चीज़ भगवान ने मधुमक्खी के जरिये हमें दी है जो आपको चुस्ती और स्फुर्ति देता है बल्कि रोज सेवन करने से आपके शरीर में ऊर्जा उत्पन्न होती है। Honey, its Liquid Gold, a God gift to man. Intake of Honey regularly is very good for health and prevents from many diseases.
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पारूल मित्तल (Parul Mittal)

About पारूल मित्तल (Parul Mittal)

पारूल मित्तल एक अत्यंत उत्तम शेफ (कुक) हैं एवं उन्हें विभिन प्रकार के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाना बहुत पसंद है। वह उत्तर एवं दक्षिण भारतीय शाकाहारी व्यंजनो की विशेषज्ञा हैं। पारूल नियमित रूप से आपके लिए विभिन्न स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाने की विधि पोस्ट करती हैं और इस बात का ख़ास ध्यान रखती हैं की विधि अत्यंत स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ साथ बनाने में अत्यंत सरल व जल्दी तैयार हो। पारूल हिन्दी एवं अँग्रेज़ी दोनो भाषाओं में लिखने की रूचि रखती हैं। Parul Mittal is an expert chef (cook) and is very passionate about cooking. She cooks both North and South Indian vegetarian dishes. Parul regularly posts various mouth-watering dishes for you and makes sure that the recipes are super yummy, yet easy and quick to cook. Parul loves to write in Hindi and English, both.

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