Chole Bhature are every body’s favourite and are so tempting that every time is suitable for it, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is very nourishing and filling, very easy to prepare without Soda [Soda is injurious to health]. Chole Bhature can be made in simple steps. So try it and make special day for your family. Here I have given a very tasty recipe of Achari pyaaz which enhances flavour of every food. You can make it with every meal. Chole Bhature recipe is available in Hindi (हिंदी) and English both.
Serves 6 persons
Step 1:Chole Preparation:-
Ingredients of Chole for Chole Bhature:-
- Chola/ Chickpea – 500g
- Water – 1.5 Lt
- Onion – 4 pieces, grind it
- Tomato – 4 pieces finely chopped
- Green Coriander – 20g finely chopped
- Green Chili – 1 piece finely chopped
- Garlic Ginger paste – 1 teaspoon
- Cumin Seeds – 2 teaspoon
- Turmeric Powder – 2 teaspoon
- Coriander Powder – 2 teaspoon
- Garam Masala – 2 teaspoon
- Red Chili Powder – 2 teaspoon
- Asafotida – ½ teaspoon
- Salt – 2 teaspoon
- Oil – 5 table spoon
How to prepare Chole for Chole Bhature:-
Step 1:-
- Take a Cooker and put it on high flame.
- Now put Chola and pour 1.5 Lt Water in it with 1 teaspoon Salt, close lid and leave for whistle.
- After 10 minutes, simmer gas.
- Hot Tip:- By this process you will not need Soda to make Chola soft.
- After 40 minutes close gas, let it be in steam.
- Open cooker and check Chola, if it is not soft give 2-3 whistles more.
Step 2:-
- Finely chop tomatoes, green coriander, green chilli and grind onion.

टमाटर कटा हुआ chopped tomatoes
- Take a Kadhai/ Wok, put it on high flame and put oil in it.
- Now first put Asafoetida then Garam Masala, Cumin Seeds, Garlic Ginger paste and grinded Onion in it.

मसाला और पिसी प्याज masala and grinded onion
- Simmer gas.
- Let onion fry till it is golden brown in color, mix in small intervals.

भुनी प्याज roasted onion
- Take a small bowl and put Red Chilli Powder, Coriander Powder, Turmeric Powder and add little water to it.

भीगा हुआ मसाला masala in water
- Now put wet masala in it and roast it for a minute.

भीगा हुआ मसाला डालें put wet masala

भुना हुआ मसाला roasted masala
- Add chopped Tomato in fried Onions and 1 teaspoon Salt.

टमाटर मिलाये add tomatoes
- Simmer gas.
- Cover with lid.

ढक्कन से ढके cover with lid
- When Tomatoes are brownish and fried, put Chola in it, Green Coriander and Green Chili in it.

भुना हुआ टमाटर tomato roasted

उबला छोला डालें pour boiled chola to masala

धनिया पत्ती मिलाये add coriander leaves
- Mix it well and put all chola in cooker and give one whistle.

कुकर में in cooker
- Close gas and leave it till steam is there.
- Open lid and feel the aroma of real tasty chola.
- Your yummy Chola is ready to serve.

छोला chola
Step 2: Bhature Preparation:-
Ingredients of Bhature for Chole Bhature:-
- Maida/ finely grounded wheat flour – 500 g
- Curd/ Dahi – 125 g
- Milk – 100 ml
- Sugar – 1 teaspoon
- Salt – 1 teaspoon
- Oil – 2 tablespoon (To Knead Maida)
- Eno – 1.5 teaspoon
- Oil – 1/2 Kadhai/ Wok
How to prepare Bhature for Chole Bhature:-
- Take a big plate and take all Maida in it add Curd, Milk, Sugar, Salt, Oil and Eno in it and knead (Gundna) it to make dough.
- If needed add water accordingly.
- Keep it for 2 hours.
- When fermented, it is ready to make Bhatura.
- Hot Tip – Eno is used for fermentation.
- Now take a Wok/ Kadhai, put Oil in it and put it on high flame.
- Take a Rolling Base and Rolling Pin.
- Take Bhatura kneaded Maida and make small balls of it.
- Put it on Rolling Base and flatten it with Rolling Pin.
- When oil is ready, put it in it and deep fry.

step 1
- When reddish from one side do it upside down, then repeat the process.

step 2

step 3
- When it is reddish from both sides, Bhatura is ready.

भटूरा तैयार Bhatura ready
- Serve it hot with Chola.

छोला भटूरा chola bhatura
How to prepare achari pyaaz:-
- With Chola Bhatura you can serve Achari pyaaz which enhances the taste.
- To make Achari pyaaz you need one onion and green chillies and finely chop it in round shape.

step 1
- Now sprinkle red chilli powder, salt and little mango pickle masala on it.

step 2
- Squeeze half lemon on it.

step 3
- Now mix it well.

step 4
- Your yummy achari pyaaz is ready to serve.
- Serve it with chola bhatura.

अचारी प्याज Achari pyaaz
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