Home made Butter (Makhan) is very tasty, nourishing and there is no preservative. Home made Butter can easily made and can be kept in fridge for weeks. If required then we can make Desi Ghee of it. Home made Butter Recipe is available in Hindi (हिंदी) and English both.
Ingredients of Home made Butter (Makhan):-
How to prepare Home made Butter (Makhan):-
- Take a deep bowl.
- Put Fresh Cream in the bowl and start stirring it well with a table spoon.
- Note:- You can also use Hand Blender for this, it is easy and here I have used it.

मलाई Malai/ Fresh cream
- Stir Cream with Spoon or blender without stopping.

ब्लेंडर से घुमाएं with blender

step 1
- First the cream will turn into liquid and then you will feel it thickens.

step 2

step 3

step 4
- Now the white Butter (Makhan) and milky water is separated.

मक्खन पानी से अलग हो गया makkhan and water seperated
- Take out White Butter From Milky water.

मक्खन हटाएँ makkhan seperated
- Take Water and wash your White Butter.
- Your White Butter is ready to eat.

घर में बना मक्खन Homemade Butter/Makkhan
- You can make Pure Ghee from it also.

घर में बना मक्खन Homemade Butter/Makkhan
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Recipe Name
घर में बना मक्खन बनाने की विधि Home made Butter (Makhan) Recipe
Author name
पारूल मित्तल Parul Mittal
Published On
Preparation Time
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Very good
Very good parul ji